04 February 2008

Yes, It's Been A Bit

I once was on a blogging kick...that kick seems to have ceased. I still have tons going on, but I'm actively trying to sit down and not have my laptop in my lap. This is a hard task considering the multiple spreadsheets I've created to control/organize my life. Hell, it's working though.

Wedding stuff is good. Big Daddy & I are stressing a lot because we don't have much money. Well, that's exaggerating...we have no money. It's hard to think about a new car for me (which is a definite MUST), a honeymoon & even our rings. So yeah, we're very stressed to think about it all. It sucks, but hey, we knew this was going to be a real rough year.

So, I'm sitting home alone, with the laptop in my lap, thinking of all the things I should be doing. As of tonight, Big Daddy is out skiing, so I'm off for the evening. I've ironed his shirts, adjusted the budget, taken out the trash, I'm done for the evening. No mas para mi. I am actively doing NOTHING tonight. I actually think I'm going to start searching for my shoes for the wedding. I finally found my headpiece...it's simple, classic...not a tiara, that's so not me!

Blah. Later peeps...

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