15 February 2008

The last 24 hours have totally sucked.
I'm ready to throw in the towel.
Am I a bad person?
Do I deserve this?
Is karma coming and kicking me in the ass?
I'm breaking down & it's quite obvious to anyone who has seen me in these last 24 hours.
I really wish I had my sisters close to me so we could drink ourselves into an idiotic stupor & I could truly vent about all the issues I'm having within all aspects of my life.
I'm freaking out with no outlet.
And yes, I am PMS, but I could care less.
PMS or no, this same shit would be swallowing me.
I'm going to curl up with a bottle of wine, chocolate cake, my comfortable hound dog,
and try to forget the last 24 hours even existed.
I'm glad it's a 3 day weekend.
It's nothing like the wedding is off either, we're still good on that. It's just the weight of my world on my shoulders is getting a little bit too heavy to hold.
No more emotions from here on out.

1 comment:

ETK said...

Hey Chica, what's going on? Can you talk about it? does it have to do with BD's friend? (Sorry - i cheated and read that on google reader). Let me know if I can do anything. anything at all.