06 March 2006

The New Addition

So a random cardboard box shows up next to my parents' house containing 3 little puppies, all girls.
Of course, Gamma and Poppy aren't going to just leave them there -- hello!!! So they take them in.

All three are little hound mixes -- Poppy's dream, so one got immediately adopted and after many conversations, the Mouse-Rouse household has decided to adopt one as well. We were looking to adopt around the time I graduate, but this dropped into our lap.

So yes, we have a new puppy -- Reese Rouse, to be exact.
She looks like a hound/beagle mix -- whatever she is, she's cute!!
In the pic, she's the one on the right.

Oh, and the conference in Myrtle Beach went well -- felt good to have some time to deflate with friends.


EriK said...

Hounds? Sounds like we're having rabbit stew for dinner!

Mouse said...

Oh, but we are -- oh wait, I don't eat rabbit!!!

mamaof3girls said...

Tres cute! I keep wanting to get the girls a puppy but then I think about the potty training. They can wait a few years!

EriK said...

What about Pepper? He's like a big puppy...

mamaof3girls said...

Big is the key word. I want a rat dog, Jerry does not. We will proabaly get a yellow lab or something. Of course this is when pepper is no longer with us.