05 April 2008

8 Weeks Left

School's out in 8 weeks. The countdown has begun. We have a couple days off here & there but there's 40 days left...hell yeah!!! It's been a wild week. The kids are crazy, I've been making up for lost time after being out for 3 days, crazy hectic. I'm pretty much caught up which helps my sanity. Big Rouse is having a late night tonight so I ended up taking a long nap & finished grading some quizzes.

I found out that school's having a shower for me in the beginning of May, which ROCKS!! They wanted to focus on a certain area in the house so I told them to go for the bedrooms. I need more sheets & blankets for those beds especially with the influx that's about to begin.

Wedding Updates:
We meet with the reception place on Monday to work on the menu...totally stoked! The music director from the church has yet to get back to me, which irks me. My dress is getting hemmed & bustled, getting it back in late April. Need to schedule my portrait session. Created a large list of music for the dj. Finally insured the ring...yes, I know it took me long enough.

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