09 February 2007

Let the Sex Begin...

Over the next 2 weeks I'll have the wonderful joy of teaching 106 girls "Sexuality Education". You can't imagine how excited I am. Actually, I'm somewhat looking forward to the break -- no lesson plans, no boys, some new faces. The District tells you exactly what to do -- no changes whatsoever. So yes, 2 weeks of Sex Ed with crazy females -- YAY!!! Wish me luck, hahahaha!!!


loud said...

I'm not sure there is a point. Men are idots. These days they seem to fall into one of three categories - seem to like you but do nothing about it (results in no sex), call you then ignore you (results in no sex), or doormat (which results in no sex because you can't stand them). All cases lead to no sex, so no need for a class. Just talk about masterbation and how to best invest their money.

Mouse said...

Very good idea...