13 February 2007


1. Is that your natural hair color?
The base color is...I have some highlights

2. Where was your profile pic taken?
pontoon boat on Lake Lure

3. What is your middle name?

4. Honestly, does your crush know you like them?
Yes he does...he's my favorite!

5. What is your current mood?
worried Mama -- Reese is sick

6. What do you love most?
Brad, my family & Reese are all combined together for my love

7. What makes you happy?
the bell at the end of 5th period

8. Name something you would like to learn?
the difference between laziness & stupidity

9. If you could go back in time, and change something what would it be?
nothing -- my life makes me who I am today, stupid choices & all

10. If you must be an animal for one day, what would you be?
a humpback whale

11. Ever have a near death experience?
nope, thank heavens

12. Something you do a lot?
teach & entertain 8th graders at the same time

13. What's the name of the song stuck in your head right now?
Not Ready to Make Nice -- amazing song!!!

14. Who did you copy and paste this from?
Michele on MySpace

15. Name someone with the same birthday as you?
Dustin Hoffman

16. When was the last time you cried?
Saturday night -- total breakdown

17. Have you ever sang in front of a large audience?
yes'm -- helps when alcohol is involved

18. If you could have one super power what would it be?
Healing others

19. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?

20. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
I've taken Starbucks out of the diet

21. Whats your biggest secret?
well it wouldn't be a secret

22. What's your favorite color?
if you don't know this about me, then you're an idiot

23. When was the last time you lied?
I lie every day -- I am a teacher, I mess with young minds

24. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
when I'm with the munchkins

25. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
my insecurity about myself

26. Do you speak any other language?
I speak 8th grade, that's another language in itself


Mouse said...

I speak "whale" in class when the students are being idiots & not listening.

loud said...

If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Healing people? Please...duh!...turning pennies into 100 bills...seeing people naked through their clothes...reading men's minds, but only when they are not thinking about sex (might not hear much)...