13 February 2007

Complete the statement, "I wonder about..."

What an erection makes a male do?
What causes an erection?
If erections harm boys?
Wet dreams?
The average age of men when they stop producing sperm?
What causes an orgasm?
Why do guys pressure girls to have sex?
Female growth – stretch marks? Weight gain? Is this normal?
When I begin a yearly exam with a gynecologist?
Having sex before marriage, is that ok?
When is the right time to have sex?
My mother getting mad when I begin to have sex
Does sexual contact hurt?
Can you get an STD from kissing? STDs? AIDS, what does it do?
If a guy had an STD, would he tell his partner?
What if a partner does not tell he/she has an STD?
How do I protect myself from STDs?
How you can get an STD from making out?
Menstruation, why does it ache & what’s going on in the body?
Symptoms of a yeast infection?

This is my life...

1 comment:

loud said...

WOW! You have a lot to teach these girls.

What does an erection make a man do - horrid, stupid, unecessary things.