17 October 2007

The Georgia Aquarium

While my sister heroes were walking their asses off for the boobies, we had to entertain the monkeys. So, why not the aquarium??? Tommy was ecstatic about the whole thing, listing off all the animals he wanted to see. It was awesome to watch him & listen to him.
The tunnel was too cool -- nurse sharks, sawtooth fish, monster uglies, etc.
It also gave off that awesome aqua glow...
The monkeys could just sit & watch the fish go by...

Tommy had some mad skills with the sea lions. He decided to kneel & put his hands against the glass. Well after that, all 3 sea lions started circling & rubbing their belly along the glass. It truly was like they wanted him to rub their belly. Tommy sat there forever & they just kept circling. It was so amazing to watch!!!Run Tommy Run!!!

By far, my favorite picture.
No words necessary.


loud said...

I love the jellyfish picture.

Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures - those are really good! Ditto on the jellyfish- although I do love the sealion one. Can't beat that!