19 September 2006

Teach Update

So it's been a bit since I posted, I know. Life in general kicks ass. I'm still loving my teaching life -- I have one class that forces me to raise my voice on a daily basis but hey, it's nice to know who's in charge.

Tonight is Open House for the 8th grade. It's definitely going to be interesting considering they planned it on the same day that progress reports went out. I wonder how many parents are going to show up just to discuss why their child has failed my class. If only I could be truly honest -- "your child is a lazy fool, that's why he's failing". I ended up with 16 failures out of 130 kids -- not too bad, but I hate to see kids failing. But hey, I'm not going to loose any sleep over it.

Overall, I have no complaints lately. I have a career that doesn't feel like a "job", I'm getting paid regularly, don't have to worry about paying the bills every month, and I have health insurance -- for me, the real world is a pretty nice place to be.


MeMe said...

I am so happy you have found your place in life! It is a nice feeling isn't it!

Anonymous said...

Hey Teacher Lady,
nice to know that you don't leave sleep over failing students...i was thinking about that the other day, how does one get ALL their students to succeed? I guess I have to look at it as 'I don't have to get their grades to succeed, but at least one aspect to their being an active part of the community.' There's my philosophy for the evening...

Love you loads,
Love, another teacher lady in Vermont,
Miss. Anna Lea