22 July 2008

Some thoughts

It's been a week and a half since the wedding and I'm sitting down and reflecting on the whole experience. Above all, I couldn't have done a thing without my sisters, my parents, Anna, Mamaof2girls, meme, Maddie's godfadder, all my sister's attendants (aka: the adopted sisters), everyone. I truly felt like Adrian Grenier on Entourage and it was amazing!!! There aren't enough ways to convey how lucky I am to have such a wonderful group of people who love and take care of me and my family.

There were times of bitchiness (duh!), craziness, nervousness, chaos, and above all else, overwhelmedness. I learned something about myself over the course of the wedding week...I get overwhelmed very easily when it comes to large numbers of people within my living space. My house is pretty decent sized and can hold people but I just get spazzed out...at least I know this now. It's good to know my faults. But no worries, nothing that a little mini-bottle can't fix...Miss Lucia was my saving grace on the overwhelmedness..."you need a shot"..."YES, YES I DO!!"
Overall, it was such a great day. The wedding was short,sweet, beautiful...totally love that we decided against a long mass. The reception kicked major ass...I had a blast. I just kept thinking, "I'm going to enjoy this. You wanna talk to me...come to me!!" Hell, it's not like I was hard to find considering the big white dress & veil!!! I have to say that for the day that supposed to be the best day of your life -- I had a beautifully perfect day!
Thank you Mom & Dad for my dream wedding!! Thank you Loud & Mariposa for being such wonderful big sisters and loving me even though I am a little shit. Thank you Mamaof2girls for still being my friend & knowing me so well. Thank you Meme for your constant source of support & AngryMean&Selfish for all the comic relief. Thank you 2.718, kneecoal, & Lucia for being such wonderful sister attendants and also for being such wonderful big sisters as well. I am such a lucky girl to have such wonderful people around me -- I wouldn't have been able to do this without ya'll.
WAHOO!!! The Mouse Rouse is official now...HOLY SHIT!!


loud said...

Overwhelmedness - nice word.

Kay Latham Art said...

Very well said.
It was beautiful and lots of fun. So great to have family and friends.

mamaof3girls said...

I love ya and miss ya chick! Only wish I could have done a bit more to help with your overwhelmedness. And yes I must love you b/c I powdered your sweaty booty:) Trying to work out coming up for USC game. Will report more on that later.